Malapascua - Finally...

So next stop is Malapascua, this is a place I have wanted to visit for over 10 years, it was one of 2 places left on my original bucket list with the other being Palau which I will dive at next week.

Leaving the comforts of the Makati Shangri La behind, off I set feeling this may be the most challenging part of my adventure, not for the travel or 5 hour van ride on roads that can only be classed as mud with holes in, there was a bus called the rough rider so I think my point was made, anyway it wasn’t for any of these reasons it was how to get 60kg of checked luggage, and 25kg of hand luggage onto a budget airline called Cebu pacific who generously give you only 20kgs checked and 7kgs carry on.....after paying out $200 excess I smugly walk away thinking huh....didn’t notice my carry on did I approach the departure security check, with there bright yellow T-shirts making them look like oversized toxic canaries..stand the Cebu pacific carry on police, armed with a luggage scale and a size chart, I have been busted.....I have slight understanding now when I watch “Border Security Colombia” and the smugglers get caught, all I can let out is, oh you got me, and I think I’m over the limit. The lady looked and I explained what was in the bags and how I had just sold my soul to raise money for my checked luggage, with a slight smile and pity, she lets me through!

So Cebu Pacific, I have done budget before but this is another level, after telling us to board at the wrong gate after a 2 hour delay there is a stampede of people heading towards the new gate to board the plane I walked past 2 hours ago, I can’t help suggest that the plane was there all along and the staff didn’t notice! We finally get on and I’m told I have a salty egg chicken sandwich for my meal.....anyway after taxing for 30 minutes the pilot then says he has gone the wrong way and we will be taking off in the other direction, after the best 1 point turn ever we are now thankfully facing the right way, I thought it was just Filipino taxi drivers that got lost.

After 20 minutes in the air one of the crew realize they didn’t do a safety briefing or life jacket demonstration. Thankfully we made in and I land in Cebu.

The Exotic Resort rep was there waiting, and within 5 minutes a van arrives and I’m bundled into this van with 2 blokes who cannot speak English. One part of my travel plan I skipped was the journey details from Cebu to Malapascua, after trying my best Tagalog I’m told journey to boat will be 5 hours! It was not the greatest experience of my life and trying to explain with words and actions I’m finally let out to have a wee up a tree. We arrive at this landing zone and it’s pitch black but lurking in there is my private boat and crew...of we sail heading towards the island and thresher sharks.....I walk the plank onto the sand and I’m greeted by a charming young lady who gives me a flowery necklace, welcome to Malapascua Sir......the place is stunning!
